Monthly Archives: July 2013

U.S. Health Disadvantage is Not Inevitable | Inequalities

If you think our health care system is the best in the world, you are dead wrong. U.S. Health Disadvantage is Not Inevitable | Inequalities. “Two major research studies in the last year compare health indicators in the United States … Continue reading

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Politics and the English Language — George Orwell

Krugman referenced this today with the comment “…anyone who cares at all about either politics or writing should know by heart.”  I had never seen it before.  I’m copying it completely to ensure that it’s available to me in the … Continue reading

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Moochers, Grifters, and the Beveridge Curve –

Moochers, Grifters, and the Beveridge Curve via Moochers, Grifters, and the Beveridge Curve –

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