Monthly Archives: July 2011

How did the United States get $14.3 trillion in debt? And who are the creditors? –

How did the United States get $14.3 trillion in debt? And who are the creditors? –      

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The Health of Nations

The Health of Nations. Fascinating to think that  France may have the best health care system.

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The three most important health-care graphs in the world – Ezra Klein – The Washington Post

The three most important health-care graphs in the world – Ezra Klein – The Washington Post. I believe I have this one already, but just in case…

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Research Desk: How does the growth of U.S. health-care costs compare internationally? – Ezra Klein – The Washington Post

Research Desk: How does the growth of U.S. health-care costs compare internationally? – Ezra Klein – The Washington Post. Good links, too.  I’ll show them separately.    

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The Republicans exit history – Roger Ebert’s Journal

The Republicans exit history – Roger Ebert’s Journal

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How the Deficit Got This Big –

How the Deficit Got This Big – Two good charts.       And don’t forget, Obama’s stimulus was a temporary action; Bush’s tax cuts and Medicare drug benefit will keep costing us as long as they are in … Continue reading

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